Preventive Controls for Human Food Refresher

Refresh your knowledge on developing, implementing and maintaining a Preventive Control Food Safety System. 
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Review Preventive Controls Requirements

  • Easy-to-follow video lessons

  • Prepared by FSPCA Lead Instructors
  • Based on the FDA-recognized PCQI curriculum

Certificate of Completion

  • Sample Food Safety Plans
  • Slide Handouts
  • Fillable Forms and Additional Resources

100% Self-Paced Online

  • 4 Hours Self-Paced
  • 6 months Access
  • Your progress is saved online
  • 10 Modules

Course Overview

This course serves as a practical guide that will walk you through the different steps of Preventive Controls implementation to either modify your current food safety plan or create a new plan. Several complete examples of a Food Safety Plan for a model food product and fillable templates are included.
The training has been prepared by FSPCA Lead Instructors for Preventive Controls for Human Food. 
PCQI Refresher Certificate Sample

1)  5 Preliminary Steps
 2) Biological, Chemical including radiological, Economically Motivated & Physical Hazards 
3) Conducting a Hazard Analysis 
4) Process Preventive Controls 
5) Allergen Preventive Controls 
6) Sanitation Preventive Controls 
7) Supply-Chain Preventive Controls 
8) Verification and Validation 
9) Recordkeeping 
10) Recall 

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